Save the date for opening day Thursday,June 5th and our

Urban Garden Tour on Saturday, June 21st!

The Melrose Farmers’ Market is a non-profit organization and provides Melrose-area residents with the opportunity to buy and learn about nutritious, locally grown and produced foods. By promoting local farms, organizations and businesses we work to build community while contributing to a sustainable future.

We believe healthy food should be accessible to all - ask us about our SNAP match program!

Upcoming Markets and Events

We like to keep it fresh! Each week from June to October you’ll find our farmers and a mix of weekly and monthly vendors. We’d love your feedback about our vendors and market!

Our donors and sponsors help feed our most vulnerable neighbors and families.

Visit Us

Bowden Park

At the junction of West Emerson and Vinton Streets - adjacent to the Cedar Park Commuter Rail stop.


Park for free in the Commuter Rail lot along Cedar Park or in the Trinity Church parking lot. Limited street parking on Tremont and West Emerson.

Please do NOT park in the business spots on Emerson across from the park or on Vinton Street.

1 p.m. to 6 p.m
June through October Rain or shine!


We encourage walking or biking to this neighborhood park!

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